
Remake Rewind: Repo! The Genetic Opera & Repo Men

These movies are not technically related to each other but at the time of their release there were accusations of plagiarism from outraged fans! We got to the bottom of this and sorted out the controversary behind Repo! The Genetic Opera and Repo Men. 

We are now on YouTube!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

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Remake Rewind: Repo! The Genetic Opera & Repo Men
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Episode 40- Death Wish

Episode 40- Death Wish
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By our fan's request we are now on YouTube! All episodes of Remake Rewind are up! Ruin My Childhood will be added soon! Please Subscribe! 

When  an average man is pushed to the edge, should he stay on the right side of the law or should he take matters in to his own hands. This week we cover Cape Fear... No! The Punisher!...No! We watched Death Wish! One version of Paul Kersey is an architect, the other a surgeon. One is Charles Bronson, the other is Bruce Willis, does it make a difference! Listen to Remake Rewind to find out

This episode of Remake Rewind is brought to you by Audible. Get a free 30 day trial and a free audiobook on us at AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 39- District B13 and Brick Mansions (French v American)

Episode 39- District B13 and Brick Mansions (French v American)
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This episode of Remake Rewind is brought to you by Audible. Get a free 30 day trial and a free audiobook on us at AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods!

This is our second foreign to American film episode! We covered another French film. This time we watched the parkour film District B13 and its American remake, Brick Mansions, starring the late Paul Walker. Was this remake just a cash grab? Why did the original actor come back? Listen to Remake Rewind to find out! 

Huge shout out to our newest Patron Jesus! He is part of our Executive Producer tier! Thanks for the love!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 38- Ocean's Eleven

Episode 38- Ocean's Eleven
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This episode is brought to you by Jesus Rodriguez our newest patron on Patreon!

This episode of Remake Rewind is brought to you by Audible. Get a free 30 day trial and a free audiobook on us at AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods!

Ocean's Eight is coming out this week so we decided to go back to that movie's roots and watch the 1960 Ocean's 11 and the 2001 remake Ocean's Eleven. The movies are over 50 years apart but did we need two versions of Danny Ocean? Listen to Remake Rewind to find out!

Huge shout out to our newest Patron Jesus! He is part of our Executive Producer tier! Thanks for the love!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 36- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Versus Star Trek Into Darkness

Episode 36- Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Versus Star Trek Into Darkness
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We boldly go where no man has gone before. Well at least our guest did! We had guest host Alex Ortega on and he watched Star Trek for the first time! This episode was a bit different instead of watching the first movie from a franchise we watched sequels! These two movies are still reboots of each other. We watched Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek Into Darkness.

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 34- Hulk

Episode 34- Hulk
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It is going to be a MARVELous month. That's right every episode this month will be Marvel related because we are excited to finally see Thanos in action in Avengers Infinity War! In this episode we will discuss the strongest avenger! That's right we will discuss Ang Lee's Hulk and 2008's Incredible Hulk!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 33- Tomb Raider

Episode 33- Tomb Raider
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There are certain characters that are imprtant to our culture we need to keep bringing them back. This weeks episode covers the video game vixen, Lara Croft! They keep pumping out games and now 17 years after the orignal, we are getting another movie ffranchise. Did this need to happen? List to Remake Rewind with Mike and Double D to find out!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Best of Remake Rewind: One Year Anniversary Bonus Episode

Best of Remake Rewind: One Year Anniversary Bonus Episode
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We made it to a major milestone! We have been producing Remake Rewind for a whole year! To celebrate we brought back Xavier for a Ninja Turtles episode and Mike made this best of Remake Rewind bonus episode. In this episode we look back on the first year of the show. Mike selected some clips from major episodes.  He also selected clips that we too long to share on social media and also provided commentary on many of these clips. This episode gives a look behind the curtain and is also a great jumping in point for new listeners so please share!

Follow Xavier on Twitter and check out Dungeons and Devs on Youtube and Twitter!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 32- Ninja Turtles

Episode 32- Ninja Turtles
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Hey everybody we reached a major milestone! Remake Rewind has been going for 1 year now! We will be posting a best of episode soon! To celebrate we brought back original co-host Xavier! In addition to our usual movie topic we went back and discussed some of our favorite moments from the show.

This episodes topic makes us want to scream COWABUNGA! That's right we discussed The 1990 classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and It's 2014 reboot of the same name. How does the original hold up and was the new one a necessary reboot?

Follow Xavier on Twitter and check out Dungeons and Devs on Youtube and Twitter!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 30-The Italian Job

Episode 30- The Italian Job
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Listen to a brand new episode where David and Mike are confused by the genre of the orignal Italian Job. It was one weird movie. 

This episode has some Remake Rewind all stars. In this episode we cover The Italian Job! It featured Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Michael Caine, and Jason Statham, all of which have appeared in other Remake Rewind episodes! 

Checkout Mike's guest spot on Get2ThePodcast on 2/20/2018!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 29- Ghost In The Shell

Episode 29- Ghost In The Shell
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In this new episode Dustin is missing! No, his wife is about to have a baby so he will be taking some time off. So Mike and David hold down the fort and discuss the 1995 anime classic, Ghost in the Shell, and its 2017 live action remake. We address the whitewashing and decide which is better, subs or dubs!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 28- Assault on Precinct 13

Episode 28- Assualt on Precinct 13
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Episode 28 is finally out! Thanks for the wait! We had some technical issues but we got a functional episode!

In this episode we discuss Assault on Precinct 13, an early film from master director, John Carpenter, and its 2015 remake by the same name. The new one makes some major changes but do they pay off? 

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Conversations With Mike and Dustin: Star Wars The Last Jedi

Conversations With Mike and Dustin: Star Wars The Last Jedi
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Mike and Dustin regularly have conversations that don't quite fit the mold for Remake Rewind or Ruin My Childhood. We thought some of you might be interested in hearing our thoughts on movies that are just remakes or reboots. Maybe there is a big tent pole movie or a new TV show, chances are Mike and Dustin are discussing it so we decided to record some of their conversations. This won't be a new podcast but will be bonus content with no real schedule or set frequency. Mike and Dustin will post these bonus episodes just for fun. There could be an episode once a week, month, or three in one week. Who knows? If you have any topics you would like them to discuss let us know on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or by email.

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 27- Clash of the Titans

Episode 27- Clash of The Titans
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In episode 27 not only do we decide if the 2010 remake of Clash of the Titans was necessary, we decide if Sam Worthington should be in movies. We also discuss what it would be like to date Medusa, and if maybe Hades has some issues breathing. Listen to Remake Rewind to find out if this franchise added anything to cinema. The last 20 minutes of this episode may be the finest we have ever recorded!  

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 26- The Punisher

Episode 26- The Punisher
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In a Remake Rewind first we punished our selves and watched 20 hours of the Punisher! That's right not only did we cover all three Punisher movies, we watched the entire series! Listen to Dustin and Mike grunt! Listen to Mikes Dolph Lundgren impression!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 25- Batman Special With Thiago Desouza

Episode 25- Batman Special with Thiago Desouza
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It's our 25th episode! To celebrate we are doing at Batman special with Thaigo Desouza from Get 2 The Podcast! Join us as we discuss Batman in cinema. We discuss everything from Batman/ Bruce Wayne, tech, costumes, nad a few tangents along the way.

Checkout GET 2 The PODCAST on Get2ThePodcast.com, Facebook, and on Instagram and Twitter @Get2ThePodcast

Like and review Remake Rewind on iTunes!

Get a Free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Also listen to Ruin My Childhood, our second podcast hosted by Kat and Mike!

Episode 24- Mad Max

Episode 24- Mad Max
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We went "mad" and post apocalyptic in our new episode. That's right! We are covering Mad Max! Dustin and Mike watched Road Warrior and Fury Road while DD messed up and watched Mad Max and Fury Road! IS Fury Road the soft reboot we deserved? Listen to Remake Rewind and find out!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 23- A Nightmare On Elm Street (Fan Voted Episode)

Episode 23- A Nightmare On Elm Street (Fan Voted Episode)
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In  our final Halloween special we went to the fans help us decide what to cover and your choice was a "dream come true!" That's right we covered A Nightmare On Elm Street! We watched the 1984 Wes Craven classic starring Robert Englund  and a young Johnny Depp, and its 2010 remake starring Remake Rewind favorite Jackie Earle Haley! Was this remake nightmare worthy or will it put you to sleep? Listen to Remake Rewind to find out

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 22- Ghostbusters (Halloween Special #3)

Episode 22- Ghostbuster (Halloween Special #3)
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There's something strange in the neighborhood, who you gonna call... Remake Rewind crew and special guest Kat? That's right we finally are covering the 80's classic Ghostbusters and it 2016 female reboot!

 Big Shout out to new our new patron on Patreon! Alix Crocker donated $15! Thanks so much for your support!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com

Episode 20- Dawn Of The Dead (Halloween Special #1)

Episode 20- Dawn Of The Dead ( Halloween Special #1)
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In the first of four 2017 Halloween Specials, Mike and Dustin discuss a traumatizing film for Mike. They watched Dawn of the Dead 1978 and the Zack Snyder remakefrom 2004! Listen to the guys discuss there survival techniques and all about how Mike would have sacrificed his own brother!

We recorded this episode several months back so unfortunately uo wont hear Double D's smooth voice but he will be in all three of the remaining episodes!

Big Shout out to a new patron on Patreon! Angela Lopez donated $5! Thanks so much for your support!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us! AudibleTrial.com/MDXpods

Support us on Patreon.com/MDXpods and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Facebook.com/MDXpods. Check us out at MDXpods.com