star wars

Conversations With Mike and Dustin: Star Wars The Last Jedi

Mike and Dustin regularly have conversations that don't quite fit the mold for Remake Rewind or Ruin My Childhood. We thought some of you might be interested in hearing our thoughts on movies that are just remakes or reboots. Maybe there is a big tent pole movie or a new TV show, chances are Mike and Dustin are discussing it so we decided to record some of their conversations. This won't be a new podcast but will be bonus content with no real schedule or set frequency. Mike and Dustin will post these bonus episodes just for fun. There could be an episode once a week, month, or three in one week. Who knows? If you have any topics you would like them to discuss let us know on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or by email.

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

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Episode Four- Point Break (1991) and Point Break (2015)

Mike, Dustin, and Xavier discuss the Keanu Reeves classic, Point Break, and its 2015 extreme sport remake of the same name. What did the guys think? 

In listener email. We discuss The Godfather, Natural Born Killers, and the Star Wars prequels.

In the news we talk about the Escape From New York remake and gush over Kurt Russell.

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