johnny depp

Episode 23- A Nightmare On Elm Street (Fan Voted Episode)

Episode 23- A Nightmare On Elm Street (Fan Voted Episode)
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In  our final Halloween special we went to the fans help us decide what to cover and your choice was a "dream come true!" That's right we covered A Nightmare On Elm Street! We watched the 1984 Wes Craven classic starring Robert Englund  and a young Johnny Depp, and its 2010 remake starring Remake Rewind favorite Jackie Earle Haley! Was this remake nightmare worthy or will it put you to sleep? Listen to Remake Rewind to find out

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

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Episode Ten- Willy Wonka/(Charlie) And The Chocolate Factory (Wilder v Depp)

Episode Ten- Willy Wonka/(Charlie) And The Chocolate Factory (Wilder v Depp)
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This our tenth episode! Thanks to everyone who has supported us and got us to this point. This podcast has done better than we could have dreamed of so far!

With special guest Nick Gambino, Mike and Dustin discuss the 1971 Gene Wilder classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and compare it to the 2005 Tim Burton/Johnny Depp Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This episode ran long so we cut the news segment but we will upload a special episode with the news in a few days.

Checkout GET 2 The PODCAST on, Facebook, and on Instagram and Twitter @Get2ThePodcast

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Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Check us out at

Also listen to Ruin My Childhood, our second podcast hosted by Kat and Mike!

Episode 9.5- Special Guest Announcement and All Things Episode 10

Episode 9.5- Special Guest Announcement and All Things Episode 10
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Next week is Episode 10! Thanks to everyone who has supported us on Social Media, Patreon, and through email. Thanks to everyone who listens. We are thrilled that we made it to this milestone. For this episode we wanted to do something special. We wanted to pick a big property that everyone knows and we wanted to get a special guest star! We are watching the Gene Wilder classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) and comparing it to the Tim Burton and Johnny Depp film, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005). To help us discuss these movies we got friend of the show and co-host of Get 2 The Podcast,  Nick Gambino to guest host. 

Checkout GET 2 The PODCAST on, Facebook, and on Instagram and Twitter @Get2ThePodcast

Like and review Remake Rewind on iTunes!

Get a Free audio book and one free month of audible on us!

Support us on and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Check us out at

Also listen to Ruin My Childhood, our second podcast hosted by Kat and Mike!