sylvester stallone

Remake Rewind Redeux: Judge Dredd 2 year Anniversary Special (feat. Neal Carson)

Remake Rewind Redeux: Judge Dredd 2 Year Anniversary Special (feat. Neal Carson)
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I am the law! Again! It’s time to celebrate! We reached our two year anniversary! To celebrate we are revisiting classic episodes from a new perspective! Double D and Alex have contributed to some great moments but they missed some great movies too. For Remake Rewind’s birthday we granting each host a wish and letting them pick an old episode to redo! We are having a Remake Rewind Redeux month!

For the first of three episodes Double D elected to cover 1995’s Judge Dredd and the 2012 reboot, Dredd! Double D host this episode which also features a special guest, Neal Carson from Get 2 The Movies! The 2012 version is one of Mike’s favorite movies and Neal blows his mind! Listen to Remake Rewind Redeux for a new view on the classics!

Checkout GET 2 The PODCAST on, Facebook, and on Instagram and Twitter @Get2TheMovies! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify!

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Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

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Episode 18- Death Race 2000 and Death Race

Episode 18- Death Race 2000 and Death Race
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Two movies that seem like they were written by a 12 year old. One starring David Carradine and the other Jason Statham. Two movies about racing cars, killing a long the way, and hot chick; seems pretty great. Will our second remake from director Paul W.S. Anderson fair better that Three Musketeers?

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us!

Support us on and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Check us out at