Episode Six-Robocop

Episode Six-Robocop
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In this episode along with special guests, David "Double D" Delgado and Joe "Dr. Baby JJ" Medina, we discuss the 1987 ultra violent satire Robocop and it's 2014 remake/reboot of the same name, We compare Robocop, two very different Detroits of the future, and the satire of each film. Did we need the 2014 film? Listen and find out.

In the news we discuss Power Rangers, Spider-man Homecoming, GI Joe, Dungeons and Dragons, and more!

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Also listen to Ruin My Childhood, our second podcast hosted by Kat and Mike!

Episode 1.5- What to Watch For Episode Two

Episode 1.5- What to Watch for Episode Two
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Thanks for listening to episode one! We would loved to hear what you think about episode one. Please let us know what movies you would like us to cover next. If you would like us to do any fan-casting submit your suggestion online through Twitter or at

Episode 2 will cover Kong Skull Island and King Kong (2005). Xavier really wants to watch the 1976 version as well. We wont force you to watch it but all other Kong movie will be better in comparison if you watch that one. 

Finally, as we head out of the March Madness of remakes (Kong Skull Island, Beauty and the Beast, Power Rangers, Ghost in the Shell) we will be transitioning into a bi-weekly format. So full episodes will be every other week. With a mini-episode in between to tell yuo guys what to watch next.

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods