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Episode 14: Saved by The Bell

Episode 14: Saved By The Bell
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Join Kat and Mike as they reminisce about Zack Morris and his friends from Bayside High. Do Zack and Screechs' schemes hold up? Is Kelly Kapowski still the girl of our dreams? Are some things better left in the past? Listen to Ruin My Childhood and find out!

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Check out our other great podcasts, Remake Rewind!

Episode Nine: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie

Episode Nine: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
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Power Ranger made a comeback in 2017 but we are a throwback podcast! That's right we watched Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. Power Rangers have been around for over twenty years but does the original hold up? Does it stand the test of time. Should Mike have left this one in his past? What did Kat think?  Listen to Ruin My Childhood and hear what we thought about the first Power Rangers movie.

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Follow Kat on Instagram and Twitter @Katrinaosity and watch her videos on

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Episode Five: Space Jam

Episode Five: Space Jam
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Mike and Kat watch a 90s classic sports and... Looney Tunes movie. That's right Space Jam! Mike loved this show this movie as a kid, Kat refused to watch it as a kid. Does it hold up for Mike? Will Kat like it? Listen and find out!

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Episode Three: Gargoyles

Episode Three: Gargoyles
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Kat and Mike discuss the dark Disney cartoon, Gargoyles. Mike remembers this show fondly, Kat saw it infrequently. Do the fight scenes and weird Scottish magic with Shakespearean characters make sense? Does it stand the test of time? Listen to Ruin My Childhood and find out!

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Follow Kat on Instagram and Twitter @Katrinaosity and watch her videos on

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Episode Two: Ferngully

Episode Two: Ferngully
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Kat and Mike watch the eco-friendly animated adventure Ferngully: The Last Rain-Forest. Kat loved this movie as a kid. Mike remembers one song and a leaf surfing scene. Does the vocal work of Tim Curry, Robin Williams, and Christian Slater have what it takes to make this film stand the test of time. Did we ruin our childhood? Listen and find out!

Check us out on and help make the show even better. If you can't afford to support us on Patreon, like and share this episode!

Follow Kat on Instagram and Twitter @Katrinaosity and watch her videos on

Follow MDXPods on Twitter and Instagram @MDXPods. Check us out on