stephen king

Episode 60- Pet Sematary

Episode 60- Pet Sematary
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Sometimes dead is better… That’s right we watched the Stephen King classic, Pet Sematary, and its 2019 reboot of the same name! Will this classic horror movie be the next IT or will it be another unnecessary remake? Listen to Remake Rewind to find out.

For those listening at the time of this episode’s release, SPOILER WARNING for the 2019 version!

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Episode 21- Carrie (Halloween Special #2)

Episode 21- Carrie (Halloween Special #2)
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In our second Halloween special we discuss a Stephen King classic! That't right we discussed Carrie and it's 2013 remake! Does the old movie hold up? Does the new one add anything besides updated effects? Listen to Remake Rewind and find out!

Big Shout out to our new patrons on Patreon! Harry and Marta Sherwood donated $5! Thanks so much for your support!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

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