ron perlman

Remake Rewind: Nightmare Alley

Remake Rewind: Nightmare Alley
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We have covered Guillermo Del Toro as a director for an original film (Hellboy) and now we get to discuss an Oscar nominated remake from him! We watched Nightmare Alley from 1947 and the 2021 remake of the same name!

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Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

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Leave us a voicemail to ask us a question! Call 64MDXpods1 (646-397-6371)

Remake Rewind: The Island of Dr. Moreau

Remake Rewind: The Island of Dr. Moreau
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There is a thin line between man and beast and one doctor crossed that line twice! We watched Burt Lancaster and Michael York classic, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and it’s 1996 remake that was plagued with behind the scenes drama. Listen to Remake Rewind to learn about the drama behind the scenes caused by Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer. It’s insane!

We are now on YouTube!

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us!

Support us on and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram, Twitter  and Facebook. Check us out at

LIsten on the go on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play, Stitcher, and YouTube.

Follow Alex on Instagram and Twitter!

Leave us a voicemail to ask us a question! Call  64MDXpods1 (646-397-6371)

Episode 61- Hellboy (Featuring Cody From Nerds With Friends)

Episode 61- Hellboy (Featuring Cody From Nerds With Friends)
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In the absence of light darkness prevails unless you have a giant Right Hand of Doom! That’s right we covered Hellboy and we did it with Cody from Nerds with Friends! The Guillermo Del Toro directed, Ron Perlman staring films were cult classics and criticla success but fell short at the box office. Does a remake staring Stranger Things’ David Harbour have a chance in hell of being a success? Listen to Remake Rewind to find out! For those listening at the time of this episode’s release, SPOILER WARNING for the 2019 version!

Check out the Nerds With Friends Podcast: On the web, on Twitter @NerdsWithFriends, on Facebook, and on Instagram @NerdsWithFriend

We are now on YouTube

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us!

Support us on and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Check us out at

Leave us a voicemail to ask us a question! Call 64MDXpods1 (646-397-6371)

Episode 54- Conan The Barbarian

Episode 54- Conan The Barbarian
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Long before their iconic roles of The Terminator and Aquaman two muscle men played barbarians. That’s right we watched the classic Arnold movie, Conan The Barbarian and the 2011 remake starring Jason Momoa. In addition to discussing these two movies Mike and Alex disagree on the quality of the $1 billion blockbuster, Aquaman.

Also check out the 100th episode of Get2ThePodcast! Mike was a special guest star of their celebratory episode! Checkout Get2ThePodcast on, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @Get2TheMovies! Listen on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and Spotify

We are now on YouTube

Listen to our other great podcast, Ruin My Childhood, starring Mike and Kat! Available every other Friday!

Get a free audio book and one free month of audible on us!

Support us on and help get Mike his webshooters and microphone stands! 

Check us out on Instagram and Twitter @MDXpods. We are on Check us out at